
EVA Number: Crew 159 EVA #6

EVA Date: 21st Dec 2015

Purpose of EVA: First, we would like to match ATV keys to ATVs, as the numbers do not currently correspond. Afterward we will be using the two working ATV's to extend our geomorphological survey of the MDRS area. Other goals include gathering video footage for Crew Journalist project, as well as continued testing of prototype suit during use on ATV.

Location of EVA: Picard Butte

Number of EVA Crew: 2

Crew Members going on EVA: Anna Ialeggio, Chiara Cocchiara


- ATV 1 Used: yes

- ATV 2 Used: no

- ATV 3 Used: yes

- ATV 4 Used: no

ATV hours usage: 0 min

Duration of EVA: 2 Hrs

EVA departure time: 10:01 AM

EVA return time: 12:01 PM

Time Checks:

- 1st: 10:34

- 2nd: 10:45

- 3rd: 11:06

4th: 11:36

5th: 11:58


Great EVA!

Firstly, we checked the ATV keys against ATV bodies. Keys now are numbered to match vehicle. To be clear, operational ATVs are #1 and #3, plus the red Honda. ATV#2 is the one with no functional battery, and ATV #4 has the broken parking brake.

Next, we continued our testing of the prototype suit. Engineer Cocchiara reports a comfortable experience, just slight strain on the shoulders. We used ATVs for about an hour, and I would compare my own experience in a conventional suit: increasing pressure on my shoulders and neck, as well as feeling every bump through the helmet on the back of my head. Testing the suit has been a pleasurable experience for all crewmembers within its supported height range (5'0" - 5'9") and we look forward to its next iteration!

During this extended ATV test, we continued to explore the boundaries of radio contact with Habcom, took extensive video footage for journalist projects, and further noted MDRS local geomorphology. Crew 159 reports great satisfaction with having access to previous crews' geological reports and surveys. Possibility: a hard copy library of such information to live permanently at the Hab?