
Commander Report


Lucie Poulet

1 – Emergency fire evacuation

2 – Cyanobacteria experiment

3 – Dust study experiment

4 – EVA of the day: engineering check

5 – Cleaning of lamp covers

6 – Internet problems

7 – Other

Rainy day! We had to readjust our schedule today to adapt to the uncooperative weather on Mars.

Nuno's experiment could not be done because of the mud, it would have been too imprecise and

dangerous on top of it. So instead, we cleaned up, did some science experiment and went on a

shorter EVA.

1 – Emergency fire evacuation

We started the day with defining roles for the upcoming fire simulation. This happened at 9:50

and the fire could not be stopped so we had to evacuate. We all managed to be in the airlock at

7min15s and reached the MAV after 17min20s. Once again, the whole team did an incredible job

and the feedback afterwards was very constructive.

2 – Cyanobacteria experiment

Our crew engineer Duarte and myself planted the radish seeds in the cyanobacteria tray and

control tray. We watered them and they are now next to the window upstairs, so that they don't

suffer from the cold.

3 – Dust study experiment

Our executive officer Tiffany and our crew scientist Nuno started the baseline for the dust

study conducted by Tiffany.

4 – EVA of the day: engineering check

At 16:30, three of the four initial crew planned for the EVA went on an engineering check EVA.

Since they had some time left, they went around the hab to find new areas for Nuno's and Tiff's


5 – Cleaning of lamp covers

With this schedule rearrangement, we had some time in front of us and decided to clean the lamp

covers of the living area, which were filthy. We removed all the dead bugs and dust which had

accumulated there and they are now like new! (cf. Pics of the day)

6 – Internet problems

Our internet has showed unidentified drops since Wednesday. All of our phones and tablets are

in flight mode and we are loosing data even when our computers are offline. We are trying to

identify where this drops comes from but so far it has not been very successful. So if you have

any ideas, please let us know!

7 – Other

I forgot to mention that last night we woke up with “Californication” of the Red Hot Chili

Peppers, choice of Louise and today with “Know how” Kings of Convenience, choice of Duarte.

In the afternoon, Louise made some cinamon rolls, which are delicious, and Duarte a very good


On the initiative of Nuno, we had a meditation session at 17:30 with the software “Headspace”.

We are now all super relaxed and will probably do some board games tonight.