
Commander Report


Lucie Poulet

1 – Base emergency scenario procedure testing

2 – Sunrise EVA

3 – Cleaning of the hab and preparing handover

4 – Other

Last day on Mars in sim! Tonight at midnight we will officially be back on Earth. Not everybody

is happy to have to leave our dear red planet!

1 – Base emergency scenario procedure testing

Tiffany, our moderator since Wednesday, woke us up at 2:24am yelling “Loss of pressure!”. We

all went out of our room only half awake and followed the procedure for a depressurization. It

was a level 3 so we should have evacuated the base but since this happenned in the middle of

the night we stopped the simulation at the beginning of the depressurization. It was noticeable

that we were slower than during the day emergency testing but we still managed to have the

airlock sealed at 7min10s and depressurization starting at 8 min.

And this afternoon at 5:04pm, Tiffany surprised us with a depressurization level 1! No

evacuation this time because the hole was located at 1min26s and repaired at 3min30s.

For these last four emergency procedures testing, each crew member kept the same role and it

was noted that everyone was much more efficient with a specific role assigned. The outcome is

in any case very positive and the procedures are a very good first draft for further


2 – Sunrise EVA

This morning Nuno, Louise, Duarte and I went on a last EVA: we climbed the hill behind the hab

around 7:45 am and watched the sunrise while doing movies and pictures for public outreach

purposes and for our sponsors. It was breath taking! And also very cold.

3 – Cleaning of the hab and preparing handover

The rest of the day was organized around cleaning activities and preparing the handover of

tomorrow. Each of us also closed and packed their experiments and gathered the data collected

during the mission. I wrote and sent the summary report of the mission.

4 – Other

This morning for breakfast Tiffany had prepared oatmeal and treated us with “Comfort” by Deb
