
Good day, Mission Support,

The following greenhab report was written by Drew Canham, but all future reports will be written by me, Jonathan Beechner.

GreenHab Report: 04092016

Crew 167B relieved our peer Crew 167A today. Dakota briefed me on duties expected of us related to the Greenhab in general, the tomato seed project, and the radishes. We discussed his procedures so that I could continue his practices in hopes that consistency would foster good eats.

We discussed the water box (I believe the Belgian crew implemented this), and the humidity associated with it.


There are no sprouts evident. There is also no progress with the seed in the damp paper towel. Ultimately, he advised that if by weeks end there were no tomato sprouts, we should attempt a new solution in an effort to rule out the possibility that the seeds are damaged.


The sprouts continue to show little growth. Tomorrow we will measure to see if there has been any progress since his last known measurement of 2-3 mm.

Dakota already tended the plants today and advised to take no action today except to turn the lights off.

Jonathan Beechner

Crew GreenHab Officer