
Commander Report

Susan Jewell

Logdate: 0012122015

It was a beautiful sunny blue skies this morning and we enjoyed a morning breakfast of hotdogs and fresh vegetable omelet followed by vanilla yogurt ( having the chance to buy fresh produce and products from the local supermarket with ease and convenience is something we will now not take for granted!. Everyone enjoyed the morning chatting and reminiscing about the incredible past two weeks and feeling a little melancholy that two of the members will be leaving our company tomorrow. This time spent together has been very [precious and memories we will cherish for years to come.

Emmy, Nicholas and Susan will be joining the new incoming Crew159 for another week. This will be another opportunity to experience the interdynamics of working with different mix of personalities with different expertise and background. Nicholas and Emmy will have an opportunity to be commanders as we will implement the rotating commandership protocol. This gives every crew member commandership of the station for two days. They are feeling excited for the chance to learn how to run the Hab and to lead a crew

All official handover and procedures and protocols have been conducted tonight with the new crew and they appear eager to start the mission.

We are ready for another expedition to Mars!

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