
EVA Report: EVA #3

Crew members: XO Steenput, Engineer Edison, Biologist Mertens, Geologist Bawin


515132E 4252970N

517975E 4253347N

518940E 4252180N

516140E 4254240N

ATV: #1, 2, 3 & 5

Time: 10:00 a.m depart - 12:55 return

Purpose: Look for possible hazardous areas.Test antenna transmissions. Elevation/altitude measurements. Gather soil samples for biological tests.

Summary: Third EVA, first EVA with the ATV's. Nothing went wrong, we got the all the checkpoints we were supposed to reach. We missed the first intersection, and went too far up north, but then we quickly made a U-turn and got back to the right road.

Two receptors have been laid on the ground, to prevent from falling in the related hazardous areas. Their GPS coordinates have been noted down, in order to take them back at the end of the sim.

Our biologist took five soil samples (approx. 4 tbspn each) for further bacteria investigations.

The yagi antenna, which purpose is to improve the transmissions quality and range, has been tested three times, in various locations.

Fifty elevation measurements have also been taken, in order to complete the map project.