

Prepared by Officer Anderson Wilder

Summary Title: Don’t Look Back

Mission Status: Half-way +1.

Sol Activity Summary: Crew 162 worked on chores, research and education &

outreach videos. It was a somewhat laid back day. Besides the things

already listed crew handled other personal things. Nothing more to report

for the day

Look Ahead Plan: Severe winter weather came today with definite snow. We

will have our second media visit on Tuesday, Sol 10, by a professional

photographer from London.

Anomalies in work: No current anomalies to report. We are still locked out

of the observatory but astronomy mission support is working to get a

replacement padlock and key.

Weather: Throughout the day it got progressively more cloudy and the amount

of snow has increased throughout the day and now the entire ground is

covered in snow. Looks like it’s here to stay

Crew Physical Status: Crew has been taking vitamins and getting more rest

and just generally taking care of itself

EVA: None performed today and none requested for tomorrow

Reports to be filed:

Commanders Report

Engineering Report

Journalist Report

Daily Photos

Support Requested: Help in locating mouse traps but other than that nothing

at this time