
XO Gartrelle to Cap Comm

The green hab is operating normally

The fan was set to 60 degrees at 8AM

The fan is operating normally at 68 degrees at 5PM

The heater was turned down to 40 degrees F at 8AM

The heater was turned up to 75 degrees F at 5PM

The pump is operating normally.

The herb seedlings still have not sprouted. The Mars shoot is still looking


The herb seedlings and the Mars shoot received water this morning.

The hydroponic lettuce sprouts received no water today. Eleven of the

twelve shoots look healthy at 5PM. The droopy mint lettuce shoot from

yesterday seems to have recovered. It is the upper one in the photo of the

single hydroponic bag. At 5PM the hydroponic soil appeared damp. The

sprouts will be watered tomorrow at 9AM.

They remaining lettuce seedlings look very healthy. The pepper seedlings

have not sprouted as yet. All the seedlings in root cubes received water at


All the seedlings were returned to the upper hab at 5PM.

No other plants received water today.

Greenhab readings for 5PM today are as follows:

Current Min Max

Temperature 82 Degrees F 48 Degrees F 100 Degrees F

Humidity 14% 19 % 10%

Meter 0.94 KwH

Duration 22.55 Hours

Overflow 0 Liters Removed Today - Checked at 8AM and at 5PM

Photos from today are attached.


End Transmission-