
Commander Report


Paulina Sidwell

Last night after CapCom window closed, Kyle, our astronomer, went to the Musk observatory to align

the telescope and was able to focus on Jupiter, Betelgeuse, Polaris, Mars and the Moon. The weather

was perfect for this, and the crew took turns viewing these celestial bodies.

Today, we woke up bright and early as usual. After having biscuits and gravy, courtesy of Liz, we

split into two teams of three to go on today’s Geology-themed EVAs. The first crew consisted of Liz,

Dylan, and Kyle, who left around 9:30 on their EVA. While they were gone, Kelsey, Josh, and I worked

on the morning GreenHab tasks. We also harvested some herbs and vegetables as requested by mission

support. At 10:00, we had some scheduled visitors, who I personally showed around and told them all

about mission. They left about 11:00, and at about 11:30 the first group came back from their EVA.

We all had lunch together while talking about how the EVA had gone. At about 14:30, the second

group, consisting of Joshua, Kelsey and I, left for our EVA. We went to two different points, and we

conducted different activities at each site, such collect soil and rock samples, learned about how

to measure strike and dip, and took pictures. We came back to the hab around 16:30. While we were

gone, the rest worked on their research. Kelsey and Josh completed the GreenHab afternoon

activities, and Kyle did engineering rounds. We are all tired but happy and satisfied with our

progress today.