

Summary Title: End of an Era

Mission Status: Half-way +4.

Sol Activity Summary: Crew 162 worked with Robert Ormerod, the

photographer, again, early in the morning getting some more shots inside

and outside of the hab. The photographer left and the crew proceeded to

take rest after a busy past 2 days

Look Ahead Plan: Just looking forward to operating for the remaining days

of the mission

Anomalies in work: It appears that FOX News (most likely 31, from Denver)

left on Thursday and took one of the radios with them. We have emailed the

people at FOX and are waiting on a response on the matter.

Weather: It seems to be warming up and instead of being surrounded by snow,

there is snow and mud

Crew Physical Status: Crew has been taking vitamins and getting more rest

and just generally taking care of itself

EVA: Performed EVA this morning, as requested.

Reports to be filed:

Commander’s Report

Engineering Report

Journalist Report

Greenhab Report

Astronomy Report

Daily Photos

EVA #5 Summary

Support Requested: None at this time