

> 164 Journalist Report 03/03/2016



> Sol

> 11. Tomorrow will be our last sol of simulation - and we

> just can’t wait to go back to the MDRS !



> We

> are proud to be all from the same engineering school -

> Supaéro, in France, the National Institute For Aeronautics

> and Space - and we did our best to prove our worth and the

> quality of our school. Based in Toulouse, Supaéro is now

> the leading engineering school in France for aeronautics and

> space professions. Not only is graduating from this

> university a great honor, but is also a first step toward a

> dream career in space engineering. Since 1909, thousands of

> future scientists, innovators, astronauts and space agencies

> officials have been studying there.



> But so far, we

> met no analog astronauts ! We decided to fill this gap two

> years ago, and to apply all together for a first MDRS

> rotation. Only two of us finally had to opportunity to leave

> for Utah, as no Supaéro crew had previously worked with the

> Mars Society. Thanks to the great success achieved by MDRS

> 151, we had the honor to be selected again this year as a

> whole crew.

> And we now aim

> at having a Supaéro crew rotation for each MDRS season.

> Next year’s crew has already been selected among freshmen,

> they are ready to apply for a rotation in 2017 and we hope

> they will keep on improving our experiments. We really would

> like to stay longer in the Hab, to reach all our scientific

> goals ; but we will have to rely on next year’s crew to

> keep doing science. But we have to make way for them : we

> still have one more day of science in front of us. Per

> Ardua, Ad Astra !

> Camille

> Gontier, Crew Journalist MDRS 164