
Science Report


Danielle DeLatte

With the EVAs in full swing this week, all projects have made progress!

Team EVA Planning Tool spent the past two EVAs mapping out more roads in order to overlay the coordinates in the web interface. Today's EVA also included taking various calibration data in order to compare the accuracy of the MDRS "yellow GPS" and the phone GPS being used in the Android phone software.

Team Quadcopter set up an experiment where they marked out high, medium, and low risk terrain. On a second EVA yesterday, they returned to the sites and used the quadcopter to take images and videos of the sites. The EVA was long but successful.

Team Astronomy continues to do observations despite the moon brightening up the night sky! They have also been hard at work analyzing the data from the previous days.

All crew members completed another Sociomapping survey. They continue to fill out the questionnaire every two days.