
MDRS Daily Summary Report

Sol 10 1/19/2016

The Robot Works!

Executive Officer Adeniyi Adebayo Reporting

Mission Status: Research projects are on track and mission is going on smoothly.

Sol Activity Summary: Today, we tested our robot again on the Martian landscape. We have had issues with operating it in the past, so we were all happy finally the robot is working without any issues. Crew engineer, Mikhail Khmelik decided to teach other crew members the fundamentals of programming and walked the crew through the iterative process he employed working on the robot.

Look Ahead Plan: An EVA is planned for tomorrow.

Anomalies in work: No anomalies to report

Weather: The Martian weather was a bit chilly and clouds today.

Crew Physical Status: All crew members are hale and hearty!

EVA: EVA activity was successful. Soil around the Lower Blue Hills was analyzed and collected for further studies.

Reports to be filed:

Commanders Report

EVA #8 report

Daily Summary Report

Journalist Report

Biologist Report

Engineering Report

EVA #9 request

Astronomer’s report

Support Requested: No support is requested.