
Science Report


Nuno Loureiro

In the morning, we ran the “Base Emergency Scenario procedure Testing

(BESpT)” experiment in the morning with Lucie as a

moderator for the simulation. She randomly picked a paper stating the

emergency to be tested today: loss of pressure with ha

evacuation in less that 5minutes. The crew was able to complete the

simulation and seal themselves in the airlock within 4min.

During the debriefing it was noted that some mistakes were made and

should be avoided in the future, e.g. taking the 6

available radios into the EVA leaving none for the moderator that

stays in the hab. Also there was some confusion in the first

few seconds of simulation that lead one of the crew members not to

hear that the simulation was for an immediate

evacuation. During the debriefing it was also noted that before each

simulation the whole crew should sit down together and

review the protocol.

In the afternoon we performed an EVA to run 3 other experiments. The

site was the Y junction close to the Hab as stated in

the EVA requested filled out yesterday:

1) The PED experiment was run with Duarte, Tiffany and Florence as

subjects while the other members helped and monitored

the task. All the data was pointed down and already analysed today.

More data will be collected during the days to follow and

give a clearer view of the influence (if any) of the lack of

references and use of helmet to the PED. For now, with 5 data points

analysed for each of the 20 different distances, the results show a

similar trend as the ones in the literature: PED is accurate

until about 6m and after that point subjects start to underestimate

distances (both verbally and walking)

2) The "EVA Communications Experiment” was ran by two teams:

Duarte/Florence and Florence/Nuno. While performing the

task, the other two crew members were monitoring all the steps of the

team. This finalizes the first round of testing and

tomorrow we’ll start the second round allowing the team members to

talk during the whole procedure. The results of the two

conditions will then be compared: with and without comms.

3) The last EVA’s scientific experiment was the “Dust Mitigation”.

Each member going on the EVA patched two 5in squares of

cloth to the left arm of their suits before leaving. When back to the

hab the patches were collected and dust mitigation was

applied to one of the two squares. Different methods were used: brush,

towel and electrostatic cloth. More data will be

collected in the days to follow in order to analyse what may be the

best method for dust mitigation.

Finally, the radish experiment is also going very well. We found 5

radish sprouts in the cyanobacteria condition vs 3 radish

sprouts in the control one. We will continue reporting the development

of this experiment in future reports.

Summarising everything the answer appears to be 42!