

Today I walked outside to collect small pebbles for the transplant of radishes from the small planters to the larger pots. There were a total of 12 plants that were moved to larger planters utilizing a mix of potting soil from the GreenHab and recycled coffee grounds. I was assisted by our chemist Amanda Sansom, and geologist Jonathan Beechner. Per e-mail suggestion of mission support yesterday, the pebbles were placed in the bottom of the pots so that the plant roots are not resting directly in water, and so that the soil can drain better. We are still awaiting the tomato sprouts to appear. The water box seems to still be working great.

Problems Encountered:

When walking through the corridor from the Hab to the GreenHab to collect pebbles, my planters blew away because I forgot to place a rock in them to weigh them down. I had to put on my suit, helmet, boots and gloves so that I could go back outside to retrieve them. We cannot afford to waste any materials we can use.?

Dakota Clayton