
Commander Report


Daniel Rivas

Hello Mission Support,

All day we have been working on the Wrapping Feet Mechanism. The mockup is 60% ready; we need to add the electronic system to control the servomotor.

Planting Camotes

Jibaja was doing her daily observation of the radish plants. She has noticed that stems have grown much more than she expected, so she has change the recipient for a bigger one.

Dron Project

Gora has the processing image program ready to analyze the relief outside the Hab. He will be going on an EVA’s simulation in a few days to check the better places to prove the drone.

Analyzing soil samples

Today Cruz, accompanied by Castillo, went on an ATV’s Sim to Manco Shale to collect soil samples to be analyzed in the laboratory looking for organic components.

Oxygen Production The quinoa has begun to germinate, so now Postigo and Castillo have to wait that this seeds grow more to start analyzing the oxygen production.

Felines Gripping Exoskeleton I have been fixing some mechanical issues and soldering the electronic components during the early morning. I have ready all the claws system movement to be attached to the exoskeleton.

Heating “Nutella” System

We have been doing tests to this project to recollect data on an excel sheet. We have obtained interesting results, but this test needs to be made again tomorrow because there were a lot of external factors that had affected these results.

New proposal (only hypothetically drawing ideas)

We are designing a mechatronic machine which will be controlled from the Hab to go outside and recollect soil samples to be analyzed. We are thinking to use a swarm algorithm to control a kind of drones which will go out of this machine and fly to a specific place to do the recollection of soil samples and come back to it to deposit the samples. If we think to collect soil samples on Mars, we have to consider that can be dangerous for an astronaut to go to do that kind of works because of the radiation.

Best Regards.