
EVA Report:

EVA #4

Crew members: Camille Gontier (EVA leader), Mohammad Iranmanesh, Jérémy Rabineau


Around the Hab (12S-518437E-4251432N)

Time: departure at 9:35 p.m.

Duration: 2 hours


- Engineering check

- Removal of ATV batteries

- Around the Hab exploration

- Project human factors (detection of mind wandering):

New recordings

- Project CRV:


Further testing of new wireless camera

Test of radio repeater

HabCom: Arthur Lillo (Crew Astronomer)

9:45 a.m.: Leaving Airlock

10:10 a.m.: Batteries and screwdrivers put back in main airlock

10:12 a.m.: Permission to go to the place visited during EVA 3

10:15 a.m.: Loss of visual contact with Hab

10:22 a.m.: Loss of radio contact

10:45 a.m.: Start of test procedure for CRV

11:10 a.m.: EVA on his way back to the Hab

11:25 a.m.: Radio contact established with Hab

11:30 a.m.: EVA#4 back to main airlock


ATV status :

- 2 : no battery inside

- 3 : working fine (tested yesterday during EVA 3B)

- 4 and red : battery taken to the main airlock

This was our first test of heavy manual work (ATB batteries removal)

in space suits, and it proved successful. Decision taken not to go

back to the place visited during EVA 3 : holes in formation may be

dangerous. ATV maintenance was done in the afternoon.