
CommanderCheckIn Report


Brad Turner

Crew Physical Health:

We are simply living the dream!

Eva Depart Time:


Eva Return Time:


Narrative Of Field Mission Results:

Finished the trip to Pinto Canyon for water samples, surveyed rock outcrop as scheduled

Eva Depart Time:


Eva Return Time:


Narrative Of Field Mission Results:

Surveyed rock outcrop and followed the outcrop down a side road that unexpected took us back to Pinto Canyon, as scheduled

Eva Depart Time:

Eva Return Time:

Narrative Of Field Mission Results:

Eva Depart Time:

Eva Return Time:

Narrative Of Field Mission Results:

Eva Depart Time:

Eva Return Time:

Narrative Of Field Mission Results:

Hab Maint:

Rep Sched:

Tomorrow Plan:

Meet up with our college's counter crew--Crew 139B (which we refer to as Team Phobos--we are Team Deimos) and conduct a successful transition of the HAB to our colleagues and associates-Team Phobos.


We discovered a second gasoline can in the generator room, which had been covered by a box and a series of old oil filters. We also re-evaluated the red can next to the diesel generator, which we still believe contains about half a gallon of diesel fuel (which if so, should be relabeled for diesel to prevent damage to the ATVs).

This provides Martians with three total fuel canisters--two empty for gasoline, and a potential third that likely contains diesel. For the record, the second gasoline canister was only discovered after searching the MDRS campus for about half-an-hour--I would have avoided our trip to Hollow Mountain this morning had I know about its existence yesterday.

Support Req:

The water tank on the trailer needs to be refilled before long, or Crew 139B will be without water. The gasoline needs to be refilled for Crew 139B. The trash needs to be emptied or else it will attract more rodents since it cannot be sealed.


Within the last twenty-four hours, we successfully trapped both a mouse and a rat in the lab area of the HAB. We will include photographs later to make cataloguing their exact species easier.