
Commander Report

Mars Log 03.27.2015

Susan Jewell MD

Hello Earthlings,

Nearing the end of this Mars mission and I can honestly say it has been the best experience I have had so far. If I had to choose three words to describe Crew151, Innovative Emerging Space Leaders, they will have to be: imaginative, illuminating and definitely innovative!

For a team of four crew members, reduced to three last week, running the MDRS station with organized efficiency, harmony and creative fun was surprisingly easy and smooth. The past two weeks we have managed to successfully achieve all our objectives and goals. Here is an overview of the projects completed:

- TELESURGERY TRAINING STUDY INTEGRATING INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES, EEG DEVICES AND 3D PRINTED SURGICAL TOOLS. This is an ongoing study with previous, current and up-coming crews at MDRS. We successfully completed the testing during this mission using the surgery training videos, the Optinvent glasses/ Google VR googles, the EEG head devices, and 3D printed surgical tools during several testing sessions.

-YOGA AND MINDFULNESS MEDITATION AS COUNTERMEASURES FOR MAINTAINING HEALTH AND WELLBEING FOR ASTRONAUTS. This is an on-going quantitative study with previous, current and future crews at MDRS. We completed the testing and integration of the VR googles, incorporating EEG head devices during the yoga and meditation sessions.


We successfully integrated the drone/UAV equipped with onboard camera into several Search and Rescue procedures for terrain scouting and localization of the injury site to rescue and save “Igor” the dummy astronaut. Additionally, we tested the” cliff rescue” procedure and used the backboard stretcher attached to the ATVS for recovery and evacuation of the injured “Igor” astronaut back to the Hab. The crew successful performed basic medical triage during the simulations.

- LOCARD (Localization and Radio Relay Drone)

LOCARD is a three-year-long project studying the feasibility (both operational and technical) of a quadricopter UAV in Mars extreme conditions. This first year the study focused on the operational feasibility and aimed to produce proof of concept for two different uses of a quadricopter UAV on Mars: Localization and Communication relay. The UAV was raised in the sky and the live video transmission and the ability of LOCARD to rotate 360° stationary allowed the astronaut to find the HAB that could not be seen from a human height because of the relief. The localization ability of the UAV was also tested during a medical EVA where the rescue team managed to find an injured astronaut (mannequin) that had fallen from a cliff. We tested the LOCARD as communication relay. The experience was successful and with the repeater the wifi range was increased of 60%. The range could have been increased even more if the battery of the UAV could provide more power to the wifi antenna without hurting the flight abilities of the UAV.


During the first EVA, the crewmembers tested the direct video transmission as well as the Thingz module. They also got used to the operations needed to let the CRV down the cliff and monitor the video at the same time. One EVA was needed to scout the locations proposed by Planète Mars and try and find an efficient and rapid way to tie the vehicle at the back of an ATV. Finally, the crew successfully conducted the experiment on a particularly interesting cliff with strata on the north side of Candor Chasma Canyon, 30 minutes from the Hab. Every piece of equipment worked well and the only difficulty was to retrieve the CRV and bring it back at the top of the cliff. The crewmembers also thought about modernizations and improvements that could be brought to this fascinating, battle proven Cliff Reconnaissance Vehicle.


The experiment consisted in testing the added value of virtual reality glasses in the context of space exploration and extravehicular activities. The AR Glasses, by a French company called Optinvent, supports the Android platform so we combined existing apps to provide the Marsnauts with the features needed during an EVA and IVA( inside the Hab):

- Display of Engineering Check Procedures

- audio/video recording have been tested.

- Chrono/Time left before end of EVA (simulated O2 reserve status)

- A wifi camera connected to the glasses was test

- Use of the glasses during telesurgery training simulation

- Astronomy Observation

Several observations were conducted during the mission and it was an opportunity to learn how to use the MUSK telescope, enjoy the night sky and ponder on the vast blackness of the Universe. The study of the feasibility of a low cost “Atmosphere Opacity Monitoring System” using the equipment of the Observatory for next year was successful.


Each night, the crew watched a surprise video prepared by a French Artist. LUDWIG, on the different Universe. The next day we incorporated into our daily schedule an artistic creation (eg, video, photo montage) on this topic. The Universes given were “slowness”, “blue”, “archipelago”, phantoms”, “garden”, “speed” and “atmosphere”. The crew team enjoyed the creative activities which increased crew bonding and cohesion. It also helped to reduce stress and anxiety. The project will be featured in several art galleries and presented at conferences in Europe next year.

- ROTATING COMMANDERSHIP CONCEPT, RCC: Leadership during Isolation and confinement in Extreme Environments. A White Paper

Crew 151 conducted a new approach to leadership. This rotating commandership is a great opportunity to look at other crew member style of leadership. It was a very successful experience for the team.. We worked about 1h every day on the paper. The first draft is written and we will plan to publish the final paper in a peer-reviewed journal,

A detailed Final Mission Report will be post on the Mars Society and MDRS website.

So new the crew is preparing to launch from Mars at midnight tonight and will hopefully land safely back on terraforma Earth tomorrow morning. This is our last night on beautiful Mars. We are looking out the Hab's porthole and gazing at the myriad of brilliant shining “jewells”….the magnificence of it all!!!

Until the next time…and thank you for following our Martian journey.

This is just a temporary “goodnight”

Ad Astra.


Commander Crew 151

Innovative Emerging Space Leaders