
Commander Report


Jorge Mírez

Hello Earthlings .

Today we had a day off, the reason is that last night from Earth we

reported that today we would

have adverse conditions around the station, it is a sandstorm coming

towards the MDRS. Throughout the day we heard the sound of the

structure of the MDRS by the thrust generated by the wind, even though

the density of the atmosphere of Mars is one hundredth of the Earth's

atmosphere. The crew used the gym for exercising arms and legs during

the morning. At noon we had enough time for we prepare a delicious

lunch. In the afternoon, an interesting work table was formed for to

study the thermal balance of GreenHab, were presented on the table,

static and dynamic models, it made by hand calculation or computer

simulation . Then we saw an documental movie of National Geographic

about Mars. We have access to scientific information, but observing

the information given to the public, allowing us feedback on our

strategies, because returning we to Earth apart from continuing our

projects, we will disseminate the experience we are carrying out in

the MDRS. Cheerful conversation we have the rest of the afternoon.

Finally, dinner and plans for tomorrow arises in the amical dialogue

between the crew. In conclusion, a day to replenish and refine our

strategies for successful completion of our projects in these few days

we have left on Mars and that it soon we will return to our country:

PERU. See you tomorrow.