
Good day, Mission Support,

Date: 13APR2016 at 7:23 PM

GreenHab Officer Name: Jonathan Beechner

General Sumary:

Turned on the greenhab light this morning and the heater in the downstairs area. Internal temperature reached a high of 86 °F. This is significantly higher than the measurements I took from previous days. Since we are low on potting soil, I am saving used coffee grounds to use in the future as a substitute.


There are two new sprouts today! They measure 0.5cm and 1.0cm. The other sprouts both measure 2.0cm. I took one of the larger sprouts out of the small pots and placed it in a larger sized pot in hopes that it will have more room to grow. I used a mix of coffee grounds and potting soil to repot it. The tomatoes were all watered today.


There has still been no significant growth. Current sizes vary from 1.5cm to 4.0cm. I did a google search and found that the size of maturity for radishes is about 6 inches (approx. 15cm), so it looks like our radishes still have a lot of growing to do. The radishes were all watered today.


The onions appear to be growing. Current sizes vary from 11cm to 22cm. I am surprised because I did not believe the dirt they were planted in would nurture them. If they continue to show growth, I will repot them in bigger pots.

Jonathan Beechner

GreenHab Officer