
Greetings Mission Support,

Commander Report Crew 166:

Mathieu Roiseux

Sol 8

Earth date: 28/03/16

Today the EVA team decided to wake up earlier to go out at 08:00 am.

They went in approximately the same direction as yesterday. They

climbed the cliff near the place where we stopped and went farther. This

time, the crew geologist was part of the journey. He tried a new way

to save the data collected by the altimeter in order to increase the

number of points measured.

The afternoon was long and nothing special happened. The journalist

wasn’t feeling good this day and she needs to rest. It’s the reason

why she makes a different kind of report today. I will make the dinner

with her and I hope that this activity and good food will give her


We received a package of food coming from Earth. It contained some

vegetables, pasta, pancake mix and other tasty things.

Concerning the experiments, the spectroscopy gave its first results.

The blue sky give data close to what it was expected. However, when

the sun goes below the horizon, Jupiter and Sirius don’t give their

spectrum easily. We obtained saturation in the near infrared region and

something closer to noise than the curve that we were thinking to

obtain. As usual, the astronomer woke up at 05:00 am with the hope to

observe with a nice sky. Unfortunately the clouds that we observed

all the day long were already present. The last samples for the

microbiological experiment were collected and the crew biologist will

continue the job in the laboratory. The telecommunication experiment

suffered again from a bad connection with the antenna’s wire.

From Crew 166; MDRS Martian Outpost

Crew Commander


Semper Altius