
Science Report


Julielynn Wong

Printer type: 3D Systems Cube 2 fused deposition modeling printer

Printer material: ABS thermoplastic

Location: Green hab

Length of time: 23+ minutes

Power use: 6 solar panels and 2 batteries rigged by Crew Engineer Matteo Borri

Odors/Fumes: none observed

Other notes:

Green hab temperature was checked prior to starting the printer.

Solar panels had to be moved often. It was not possible to use solar

panels by the green hab in the

afternoon due to shading.

The first print lasting 23 minutes was successful but subsequent

prints were aborted because of a

"temperature error" reading on the printer likely due to low battery power.

Solar panels cannot be used in high wind conditions.

Because the printer does not automatically shut itself off after

printing, you must observe the printing

process carefully to maximize printer use because of limited battery power.

It appears that this system can achieve one print (under 25 minutes in

duration) per day during the

winter solstice.