
Engineering Report


Rebeca Rodriguez


Diesel: less than ¾

Propane: 39%

Static tank: Less than 10 cm

Trash: 5 bags awaiting pick up


Filled up loft tank in the morning. We have continued water conservation. We are awaiting your updates.

Water temperature:

The hot water has still not been attained. Two proposed checks will be performed once the water supply ship arrives. Check 1:

Proposed on 1/13/2015. The plan involves us running the hot water while looking at the heater display and seeing if a fan and

showerhead icon appear. Check 2: Proposed 1/14/2015 Verify outlet temperature increases to be equal to or near the setpoint when

water is running.


During today’s EVA the make and model of ATV 5 were investigated. ATV 5 is a Honda Recon ES. Do you have additional mitigation

strategies for us to try? We are looking forward to seeing ATV 5 up and running.