
Commander Report

8 November 2015 – Sol 1

Ben Easter


Mission Support,

Greetings from Mars! After a long journey from Earth, Crew 156 landed on Mars today and officially entered the Hab around 1700 hours. We are very excited for our stay on Mars. As members of the Wilderness Medical Society, we are all physicians, including 5 emergency physicians, 2 internists, and an anesthesiologist, we seek to better understand how Mars will affect human physiology and functioning.

We will do this by studying various medical contingency scenarios. Please understand that we will be reporting on many injuries to our crew and various contingencies to the Hab. I will attempt to make very clear which of these things are part of our simulation, but please ask us if you are unclear.

Crew 155 left the Hab in excellent shape, and we greatly appreciate the refit work that they have done. It looks like an incredible place to live.

You requested the names and email addresses of our crew. They will be sent under separarate cover.

A full engineering report will follow, but we are very low on water in the trailer tank (less than 10 cm) and our trash cans on the trailer are completely full. We also are out of gasoline in the can. Please refresh as soon as possible.

Thank you very much for the opportunity to be on Mars.

Respectfully submitted,

Ben Easter

Commander, MDRS Crew 156