
Crew Commander Daily Report

SOL 03

Crew 161

Crew Commander: Divya Shankar

The day started by listening to David Bowie’s Space Oddity and remembering the soul that has inspired many of us to embark on this exciting journey to space. It was followed by usual morning meeting and engineering checks. Had a better planned foot EVA today. EVA Crew enjoyed the bright sunny day and a wider view of surroundings by climbing hills around. They collected different types of soil for the plant growth and checked trails that are present surrounding the hab to follow them in our next ATV and not to go off the track trails. Everything was done on time. Being HabComs for the day, myself and Veronika checked the Radio Communication to figure out the Tx/Rx link distance and it was all good. We cooked some rice and welcomed the crew. Later in the afternoon, the crew started checking how to use HALpr followed by reports and resting a bit.

It was a tiring day for the EVA crew and a good habcom experience for rest of us.

Thank you


Divya Shankar


MDRS Crew 161