
Crew158 - Journalist Report



We woke up to a bright morning and ate breakfast of powdered eggs, bacon and hash browns. Delicious! Three crew members left to purchase more supplies in Hanksville while others created logos for the space coveralls, planned for water conservation, and shower schedules.


Hanksville supplies arrived and were put into storage. The crew planned for future EVA’s and relaxed by playing a game of Chinese checkers. Afterward we went to do ATV checks and 4 out of 5 were in working conditions. Took post mission pictures with the ATV’s and then left on an expedition to the dinosaur excavation site nearby.


Crew arrived at the site and explored the area. We found some fossils and ventured through the canyons. The sun was about to set, so we left for the Hab. When we arrived at the Station the crew proceeded to check the gas tank, generator, and water. The main water tank needed a refilling so after reconnecting the pump we filled the tank. The crew has finally landed on Mars and entered into simulation at 5:30 PM. The crew was excited and everything looks stable. We enjoyed our first Martian meal dinner together as a crew with a vegetable curry dinner and jambalaya rice on the surface of mars. After dinner the Commander proceeded to give the crew a tutorial in donning space suites and procedures for decompression and EVAs. Looking forward to an evening of relaxing and preparing for an exciting day on tomorrow.