
Crew GreenHab Officer Daily Report

Sol # 2

Crew # 161

Crew GreenHab Officer: Natalia Glazkova


Today we have collected the grey soil from the location 12S-518518E-4251308N during an EVA. I’ve planted the radish into 3 planting cells with the following ratio of Potting Mix/ Mars Soil: 100/0; 50/50; 70/30. Other 3 planting cells with radish were filled with the same ratio of Potting Mix/ Mars soil, but the fertilizer was added to each of the cells. All 6 cells are put into the plant incubator inside the Hab.

The same procedure has been done with the bean sprouts that were brought to the Hab.

There are still some radish sprouts left. I plan to plant tomorrow into the red Mars soil mix that we would collect during our EVA.

Note: Seed starting potting mix and general purpose fertiliser were brought to MDRS by crew 161


Natalia Glazkova

Crew 161 HSO/ Biologist