
Crew 160 Journalist Report Sol 6

January 1, 2016

Cassandra Vella

Today was a great Earth New Year’s Day as Lycourgos and I woke up the crew with some cereal and oatmeal followed by a riveting EVA. Our EVA mission today was a search and rescue simulation for a downed astronaut. John and Hiroki had to follow radio coordinates; of which Habcom, and Ashley and Marc’s pairing, had to repeat and relay to assist the search and rescue. We lost a little bit of time with the search and rescue crew (John and Hiroki) as their GPS units were reading the wrong coordinates. Between Habcom’s map and Ashley’s guidance we were able to complete the search and rescue successfully.

Lunchtime was filled with smiles from our successful EVA and tomato soup, potatoes and baked beans. We all really look forward to another great day on the field working together as great as we did out there today!

For dinner, Lycourgos and I are hoping to make some vegan stir fry to fill everybody up for more excitement tomorrow.