
Eva Report


Danielle DeLatte

Eva Number:

Eva Date:

Time Slot:



1. Engineering tasks

2. Read make & model of red ATV (#5)

3. Find dry patch of ground to commence rover task

4. Lay out yellow stakes (markers) over 15 meters in a straight line

5. Drive rover over 15 meter path, take photos regularly on drive

6. Pack up, return to Hab


In the morning, the team began preparation for the EVA. Upon entering the airlock to egress to Mars, music started playing over the radio - happy birthday! Today is Crewmember DeLatte’s birthday, and the rest of the crew had decorated the airlock to celebrate!

Upon egress, the team ran through the engineering checks quickly, eager to get to the main event: the rover! The water level was very low, and it was hard to see due to fog at inopportune places on the helmets, but pictures were taken. The diesel tank read 3/4, and the propane read 39. The ATV #5 was determined to be a Honda RECON ES.

Upon returning, the rover and various equipment had been placed in the airlock and was ready to be brought out to Mars! Phoenix the Mars rover happily joined the Mars sun for the first time this season!

To start the experiment, the team found a relatively flat area that was dry enough for the rover to drive on without kicking up mud & dust into its internal computer. One such area was found approximately 50 meters from the Hab. They proceeded to set up the visual target (a rolled up blue mat) on a cinder block and markers over 15 meters, with yellow stakes every 2 meters. Markers were placed at: 0m, 1m, 3m, 5m, 7m, 9m, 11m, 13m, & 15m. There was approximately 3 inches beyond the 15 meter mark and the target. Photos were taken to document the locations. A string was stretched between the first and last marker to correct the straightness of the line and stakes were moved as needed.

The rover driver, Crewmember Henry, started a few practice movements from inside the Hab. At one point the rover had to be rescued from encountering some leftover evidence of life from a mammal in the canine family, but otherwise the test drive was successful. The rover was driven along the length of the path to simulate the approach, then the rover was picked up and placed at the prescribed distances to get “ideal” data. These photos will be used in an object detection algorithm being developed by ISU students on the sister rover to Phoenix, Dusty.

Having completed the drive, several photos were taken from the rover perspective to show various hand gestures - stop, go left, go right, good.

The EVA was also supported by Crewmembers Garifi and MacPhee, whose supportive documentation will be vital for our remote ISU collaborators.

Eva Depart Time:


Check In Time One:

Check In One E:

Check In One N:

Check In Note One:

Check In Time Two:

Check In East Two:

Check In Note Two:

Check In Time Three:

Check In East Three:

Check In North Three:

Check In Note Three:

Check In Time Four:

Check In East Four:

Check In North Four:

Check In Note Four:

Eva Return Time:

Wp1 E:

Wp1 N:

Waypoint1arrive Time:

Eva W P1depart Time:

Wp1 Find:

Wp2 E:

Wp2 N:

Eva W P2arrive Time:

Eva W P2depart Time:

Wp2 Find:

Wp3 E:

Wp3 N:

Eva W P3arrive Time:

Eva W P3depart Time:

Wp3 Find:

Wp4 E:

Wp4 N:

Eva W P4arrive Time:

Eva W P4depart Time:

Waypoint Four Finding:

Waypoint Five Easting:

Waypoint Five Northing:

Waypoint Five Arrive Time:

Waypoint Five Depart Time:

Waypoint Five Findings: