
Good day, Mission Support,

EVA Request:

EVA #6

Crew members: Jonathan Beechner, Jaxom Hartman


12 N 518230 4250725 (outside the hab)

Time: Departure at 01:30 p.m.

Duration: 1h.


Take measurements of structures outside the hab. These measurements will be used to model the hab in 3D which will be used in Jonathan Beechner’s research project.


Take and record measurements of the front stairs, the side supports, the back tank, and the back stairs. All measurements will be in meters/centimeters.

EvaPlan Report


Point0:12 N 518230 4250725

Purpose0:Take measurements

Eva Number:6

Go Rogue:no

Route Change:None

Lead Name:

Jonathan Beechner

Suit Num One: 1

Atv Num One:NA

Two Name: Jaxom Hartman

Suit Num Two:2

Atv Num Two: NA

Jonathan Beechner

GreenHab Officer