
Crew members: April Andreas, Jonathan Beechner, and Clark Overman


12 N 518277 4249548 (skipped)

12 N 520446 4251115 (Candor Chasma)

ATV: 1 – 2 – 3

Time: 9:30 pm depart – 1:00 pm return

Purpose: Chemistry EVA. To expose students to doing chemistry field work while staying “in-sim.”


Due to a desire to spend more time in Candor, we skipped the stop at Big Boulder Corner, and went straight to Candor. We did not find any water either, but found a great deal of gypsum. Our crew laments that we do not have a formally-trained botanist on our crew, since the plant life in Candor is so very interesting. We saw all kinds of Martian wildlife, including lizards, birds, and a few scampering creatures. In preparation for this EVA, some red Gatorade got on one of the packs. We got it “mostly clean” with hand soap and aggressive scrubbing, but it’s probably going to need some more enthusiastic reagents. Please advise.