
Crew 160 Journalist Report Sol 13

January 8, 2015

Cassandra Vella

Today, as our last full sol without socialization, we’re cleaning up the Hab and chit chatting up our future plans. Breakfast this morning was another grab your own after we all slept in this morning to relax before the craziness of being reassociated in a few days when we return to Earth. This morning all the boys were begging to watch Star Wars already but we all compromised it for after we get all of our tasks done for the day.

We each created our own lunch masterpieces for the afternoon followed by some more bonding and chit chat time. Marc worked on the stairs as some pieces were coming loose from their holdings on the wall. For those of us doing research we may be ending tonight or tomorrow afternoon depending on what our activities consist of; besides more Star Wars, of course.

We’re going to make a nice, filling dinner for us all tonight as our last real Martian dinner tonight and await the contact with Crew 161’s arrival tomorrow. We’re all sharing our bittersweet feelings knowing that our mission is coming to its end, but we’re really looking forward to our futures after sharing this experience, together, as Crew 160.