
Engineering Report


Duarte Sousa

Diesel – 49%

Propane – 20%

Gasoline – 0% (of 2x 5 Gal refill cans)

Water (trailer) – 80cm from the top

Water (static) – 15cm from the top

Trailer to Static Pump used - no

Water (loft) – 36

Static to Loft Pump used - yes

ATV's used: 1, 2, 3, 4

Fuel Used Gals: approx 2 Gals

Hours Used Day: 55min

Notes And Comments:

Today ATV #2 was used in order to assess it's status, since last time it was used there were issues. It is confirmed that the same issues

are there: It is only working on the reserve tank. Towards the end of the EVA already close to the hab, it stopped and could not be

started again. In the beginning of the EVA the main tank was 3/4 full and by the end it was almost empty.

Summary of Engineering activities:

Engineering check

Questions and Concerns to Mission Support: Do you have information on how the ATV's reserve/main tanks work? How are they


Can we be re-supplied with ATV fuel?

Best regards,

Duarte Sousa