
MDRS CREW 155 ­ SOL 12


Cassandra Klos

Crew Journalist/Artist­in­Residence

After all the commotion in the last few days, today was really an opportunity to get back to

work on the Hab. In the morning, Sam and Paul worked on a few electrical issues on

Deck 1, Hung and Stergio went on a walking EVA, and Jacky and I worked on both decks

to sand and paint more walls.

We ate lunch quickly and got back to work. Jacky, Stergios, and I went on a rover

expedition while Paul, Sam, and Hung continued on the engineering airlock deck. It’s

getting there and it looks great so far! After we returned from our expedition we continued

on sanding and painting. The Mars Society won’t recognize how nice this place looks

when we’re done!

We are now cleaning up from our labors today, and will continue in the morning. Just a

few more days here, so we’re going to try and make it count!

Signing off, Mission Control.


P.S. The attached photograph of Jacky and I was taken while we were stationary on the

ATVs. We were not driving one­handed!