
Science Report01/16/2014Pedro Diaz-Rubin


Name: Pedro Diaz-Rubin

Sky Conditions: Mostly Cloudy

Wind: None

Time of Observations: (start - finish) 10:05 PM - 11:30 PM


The Musk telescope was setup around 10:10 PM. A two start focusing was performed. This time a close pair of stars in the vicinity of Jupiter was chosen (Betelgeuse and Rigel) since most of the sky was cloudy.

Europa was observed exiting a transit at 10:15 PM. Snapshots with the CCD camera were taken from 10:15 PM through 10:33 PM (see attached pictures and video).

Jupiter's disk was then observed. The Great Red Spot was visible under the southern main belt.

The observatory was closed at 11:30 PM.

List of Objects viewed:

Jupiter, Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto

Problems Encountered:

The weather did not allowed for other target observations. Only Jupiter Neighborhood stayed clear.