
GreenHab Report


Carmel Johnston

Current Temperature:


Minimum Temperature:


Maximum Temperature:


Current Humidity:


Minimum Humidity:


Maximum Humidity:


Hydro Tank Level:

Hydro Tank P H:

Hydro Tank Temp F:

Hydro Tank Over Flow:

Plant Report:

2014-2015 season lettuce:

Starts were transported from the Hab to GreenHab in the morning. No

sprouting has occurred yet.

They were again transported back to the Hab this evening.

Crew 142 Martian soil project:

Eighty five percent of radishes have germinated, and 81% have put up

first leaves. They are

continuing to grow quite rapidly, though not as quickly as we first

observed during the warmer

weather. Chard seeds are 52% emerged, and 34% have put up their first leaves.

Watering Activity Notes:

2014-2015 season lettuce: starts were watered in the morning.

Crew 142 Martian soil project: No watering occurred today as trays

were found to be sufficiently


Heater Activity Notes:

Heater was left on throughout the day, as outdoor temperatures were

very low, and snow began to

fly at one point.

Fan Activity Notes:

The fan did not run today.

Hydroponic Time:

Hydroponic Duration:

Hydroponic Kw H:

Led Lamp Time:

Led Lamp Duration:

Led Lamp Kw H:

Maintenance Report:

Supplies Request: