
Crew 160 Journalist Report Sol 4

December 30, 2015

Cassandra Vella

After a little late morning we all woke up to some nice breakfast that Hiroki and John made with oat cereals, corn, potatoes, and bacon.

Our EVA was really cool today as Ashley and I got to experience the ATVs. The entire crew worked really well in establishing areas for our radios to reach each other and relay messages from the Hab. We have not yet located the exact outskirts of connectivity yet, but with our next ATV EVA we hope to practice a little more with distance. The sun was shining bright while we were out today when we reached our destinations, pointing towards a hopeful new year after tomorrow.

After the EVA Hiroki set up some tortillas for lunch with toppings of our choice including Nutella, peanut butter, Sriracha sauce, corn chips, etc. Ashley was teaching us the appropriate ways to fold tortillas for desired tastes and cleanliness and then it was nap time for a few members of the crew. During that siesta time, Marc, Hiroki, and I began the unclogging of our water pump after we heard it go bump in the night. Everything went well in the unclogging mission and we returned to research.

For dinner tonight, John and Hiroki are thinking of making some baked beans with spam and tortillas to dip.

We’re having a great time working together out here on Mars together as Crew 160 and we can’t believe it’s already Sol 4; these next ten days are going to fly by.