
EVA Number: Crew 158 EVA 7

EVA Date: 08Dec2015

Purpose of EVA: Human performances in long walk distance.

Location of EVA: Coordinates: 12S-518230E-425720N

Number of EVA Crew: 3

Crew Members going on EVA: Nicholas Ip Jewell,Philippe Souvestre, Ilaria Cinelli.

ATV 1 Used: no.

ATV 2 Used: no.

ATV 3 Used: no.

ATV 4 Used: no.

ATV hours planned usage: 0

EVA departure time: 1050 am

EVA return time: 1230 am

The crew was late this morning: the EVA started at 1050 am (instead of 1030 am) and finished at 1236 am. We walked for about 4 Km around the Hab under a lovely weather.

The directions I gave to the crew were: adjust walking speed to reduce sweating keeping constant respiration; report to the HabCom any kind of

pain/discomfort about human performance with the suit with intensity grade (low, medium and high).

Neck pain was the first common discomfort. The weight of the helmet pushes the head forward, the posture changes balancing its weight and

minor discomfort at extremities (such as ankles) might occurs during long distance walking.

Although this is the winter season, the sun light was intense and reflects inside the helmet, warming up the air inside which leads to an increase in sweating and

inspiration rate. The body loses energy in form of heat and a good temperature can be kept with a constant speed, due to the cold air in winter season.

Sweating might limit vision and hence problem in mobility.

At the end of the EVA, the crew was not tired but thirsty.