
Hola, Mission Support!

Sol Summary Report (SSR) for 09APR2016

SOL: 1

Person filling out Report: Drew Canham

Summary Title: Houston, Beechner Needs a Shower...

Mission Status: The "Right Stuff" Have Arrived.

Sol Activity Summary:

We're super excited to have finally arrived. We trained today with our peer Crew 167A from McLennan Community College. We love them, but are happy to have the planet to ourselves. We did pick up another crew member, Jonathan Beechner, who served as Engineer and Geologist on the first crew. He will serve as Geologist and GreenHab officer. He spent his day out-of-sim enjoying a nice meal, doing laundry and taking a well-deserved shower.

Today has been wonderful-we visited with our Lonestar Highlander friends, received training and visited with Director Rupert, who is partying with us tonight (soup and pizza-nothing too crazy on Mars tonight).

The scenery is amazing, and I am happy to be back on Mars, as this is my second mission (hoping for more)!

MDRS lessons:

1. It takes more than one engineer to assemble the water pitcher.

2. We have some wonderful, and some very interesting items in the food pantry.

4. We solved our first emergency with tweezers; I feel like MacGyver

5. We skipped number three.

Anomalies in work: We are very consistent so far, and have not noticed any anomalies. Perhaps we just aren't that observant.

Weather: It was windier than West Texas today (for those not in the know, that is super windy.)

Look ahead plan: We are excited to learn what "chickenish" and "beefish" taste like...

Crew Physical Status: We are one happy family today and are pleased to have adopted Beecher-he is awesome.

EVA: It's all about the orientation.

Drew Canham

XO and HSO (aka Dr. Initials)