
MDRS Daily Summary Report

Sol 6 1/15/2016

Testing robotics.

Executive Officer Reporting

Mission Status: Research projects are on track and mission is going on smoothly.

Sol Activity Summary: EVA #5 was the main activity for this SOL. Crew engineer, Mikhail Khmelik led a crew of three to test his robotic arm. He plans to start with soil with low shear capacitance and progressively move to harder places. Afternoon was devoted to different research projects. Chemical analysis of the different soil samples have started in earnest. Crew biologist, Natalia Glazkova, observed the progress of the radishes and her bean sprouts. Crew astronomer observed the moon and took some nice shots.

Look Ahead Plan: Tomorrow, we are awaiting a new crew member and therefore no EVA is planned for tomorrow. We intend to brief him on ongoing activities and hear all the news from Earth.

Anomalies in work: No anomalies to report

Weather: The Martian sky was clear today. The weather was chilly.

Crew Physical Status: All crew members are hale and hearty!

EVA: Crew engineer, Mikhail Khmelik tested his robots in one of the locations.

Reports to be filed:

Commanders Report

EVA #5 report

Daily Summary Report

Astronomy report

Journalist Report

Biologist Report

Engineering Report

Support Requested: No support is requested