

Date: 29 Jan 2016

Crew Engineer Name: Anderson Wilder

Diesel – 50% (It’s hard to keep an accurate number because I stand so

far below the needle)

Propane – 85%

Gasoline (5 Gallon containers for ATV) – 10 Gallons

Water (trailer) measured in inches from the top– topped off

Water (static) measured in inches from the bottom – 30

Trailer to Static Pump used – No

Water (loft) – 11

Static to Loft Pump used – Yes, used this morning instead of last night

Water Meter: 104,038.0

Atv # 1,3,5 Oil Checked: Good

Atv # 1,3,5 Fuel Used Gals: Unknown

Atv # 1,3,5 Tires Status: Good

Atv Hours Used Day: 0 hr

Atv Notes And Comments: ATV #1 is out of commission as of right now, so

all that we have operational is ATV #3 and 5 at this moment

Summary of Engineering activities: Went through basic engineering report

procedures, everything is good

Notes: N/A

Questions and Concerns to Mission Support