
Greetings from Crew 160! Below is our Daily Summary Report.

MDRS Daily Summary Report for sol 9 1/4/2016

"Cat Nap"

Executive Officer Reporting

Mission Status: Staying Strong! Today the crew worked on individual research alongside waiting for a planned EVA for four crew members to conduct the engineer check, retrieve meter stick from the static tank, and take photos of the Hab.

Sol Activity Summary: The crew is working hard on their individual projects and prepping for the EVA planned for the day. While everyone was awaiting for EVA time, ideas had to be brought to light to figure out how to get out the meter static that was dropped in the static tank the day before. The crew came up with two plans, rope and a garden shovel and then two tape measures and a hammer. The two tape measures and hammer worked out really well during the EVA and it was a beautiful success. The photos of the Hab turned out well to lead the rest of the too happy relaxation.

Look Ahead Plan: Crew is still working hard on their research and excited for a hopeful EVA tomorrow to explore the White Cannon area.

Anomalies in work: There are no anomalies to report.

Weather: The Martian sky was cloudy but no sign of wind.

Crew Physical Status: Each crew member is doing fine!

EVA: Today’s EVA was planned for four crew members to conduct the engineer check, retrieve meter stick from the static tank, and take photos of the Hab.

Reports to be filed:

Commanders Report

Journalist Report

Engineering Report

GreenHab Report

EVA #08 Summary Report

Support Requested: N/A