
Crew Astronomer Report


Scott MacPhee

Crew Astronomer

Renee Garifi

Executive Officer

Astronomy Report


Scott MacPhee

Renee Garifi

Sky Conditions:


Wind Conditions:


Observation Start Time: 10pm

Observation End Time: 12am

Weather conditions at MDRS are finally clear!


This evening’s work began with connecting the CCD camera to the telescope, in order to obtain flat field images for calibration. Link was established between the camera and the astronomy laptop, the CCD was cooled, flat field images and bias frames were taken. Dark frames will be taken after proper exposure times are established for the target star, KC04C016088.

Tonight’s objectives include: Connecting the autoguider, 2 star alignment of the telescope, finding the target star field, achieving good focus, finding appropriate stars for autoguiding, and setting CCDops to grab the series of images.

Objects Viewed:


Problems Encountered:

As transit egress of this target planet occurs at 23:05pm, should all tasks not be completed by this time, reassessment of objectives will commence.

Signing off,

Scott & Renee