
Commander Report


Daniel Rivas Galindo

Hi Mission Support,

Morning has been very cold and that’s good because we do not had EVA’s simulation today so we pass the day in the Hab, doing diverse activities, embraced by the heat.

Planting and germination of camote plant in the Green Hab

Jibaja had planted radishes seeds in a soil class with organic contents and a properly PH to allow the growth of this seeds. She watered the soil to reach the proper moisture.

Oxygen production inside the GreenHab

Castillo and Postigo were improving their project box. Then, Castillo has been analyzing the weekly results of all Green Hab projects.

Recollection of different clay class

On the first floor with his scientist suit, Cruz has been analyzing diverse soil class to determinate the PH of each one.

Felines Gripping Mechanism

I am redesigning the legs of my exoskeleton and hips, because I have found a imperfection with the leg angle. (Attached you will find photos and drawings)


Every time we use the EVA’s suit, we have had troubles with the audiphones because it falls off the ear continuously, even adhering it with tapes. We had been discussing about it, so I took one of the audiphones and made a test. With a flexible metal bar, I did an arc to be collocated over the head, with a piece of velcro on one side. Then, attached another piece of velcro to the audiphones (It is not joint permanently as you can see in the Journalist’s photos). So, the idea is that the fixed part holds the audiphone in its position.

I proved it and it does not move or falls off, so this avoids to be inserting the hand inside the helmet to seat the audiphone many times during the EVA’s simulation. Is there any problem with that?

On the other hand, as part of our daily schedule, after dinner we will gather to discuss about an energy generator project. We all have interesting ideas that need to be worked and calculated to prove viability and feasibility of the project.

Finally, we followed our daily schedule more strictly to avoid inconvenients. Everything have been OK, except that I failed, I got up too late because I was awake too late doing drawings about my project. I hope tomorrow everything will be better.