
Commander Report

Nick Orenstein

Commander's Log, Mars Date 1321223.3

Today began our first true day on Mars. Crew 132 has adapted to the routine of life within the Station; meals are tasty, meetings are productive, individual work is progressing, and reports on now on schedule. Isolation is a new experience for each of us, but this is no solitary confinement.

Each member spent the morning preparing a mission plan for their stay at MDRS, and we presented these to each other at our morning meeting. I was impressed by the diversity of topics and the depth of intentions. Our engineer will, among other things, draft a proposal for the Inspiration Mars mission plan so that other Earth explorers may come visit. Our biologists have transported microbial life from Earth and will test these stowaway's resilience to the harsh Martian environment. The GreenHab hydroponics system, once built, is poised to produce a bountiful harvest for future Station inhabitants. Our geologist is a seasoned field experimentalist searching for better techniques for planetary science and exploration at the surface. Our resident artist is developing the basis for a public exhibit of life on Mars to crowds of curious Earthlings; his creative presence lends much needed balance in a room of space scientists.

Last night's activity will always stick with me. Geologist Bouchard led us in an illuminating discussion. He wrote five words onto cards -- love, harmony, knowledge, power, security -- and asked each of us to spend some time thinking about our interpretations of their meaning. We ranked them in order of significance and all shared our feelings with the rest of the crew. No one answer stands out; rather the holistic combination of opinion provided a glimpse into the conscience of the human condition destined for planetary exploration.

The sounds of dancing echo from downstairs. The colors of expression flash from art in progress. Darkness deepens outside as a rainbow of Christmas lights reflect back in from the porthole. The Hab is alive and, yet, not alone.


Commander Check-In Report

Nick Orenstein

Crew Physical Status:

No major health concerns reported. Crew morale remains high.

Eva Depart Time: n/a

Eva Return Time: n/a

EVA Highlights : n/a

Engineering/Hab Maintenance:

Cleared out and disinfected laboratory refrigerators. The black Danby-brand mini fridge is inoperable.

Report Transmission Schedule:

Commander Check-In

Commander Report

Engineering Report

HSO Report

Biology Report

Geologist Report

Journalist Report

Daily Photos

Future EVA Plan

Supplemental Reports - Mission plans for GreenHab, Geology, Biology, Engineering, Artist

Supplemental Reports - Crew 132 mission schedule overview for EVAs

Supplemental Reports - EVA suit inventory

Plans for Tomorrow:

Walking EVA (pending approval) of 1km to check suit and radio comms systems in preparation for future science EVAs. Work day for crew remaining at Hab.


Will send supplemental report of EVA suit inventory. Ordered additional valve for hydroponics system to arrive at Hollow Mountain on 12/26 (crew member had Amazon Prime for free 2-day shipping to Mars!). Hopefully DG can deliver this shortly after.

Support Requests:

No hot water in the shower. DG mentioned something about a button to push to turn the hot water heater back on, but we don't recall the details. Please advise.

Since Crew 131 was not here for a transfer, there are still operational procedures we don't know. See Engineering Report network comments for current outstanding questions.


The Crew Engineer fixed the wifi. Personal laptops and HAL laptop by the stairs can now connect to the wireless router and also receive internet access. The download allowance status page says "unthrottled." Tonights reports submitted from Commander's personal laptop.