
Commander Report


Jamie Guined

Crew 138 continued with habitat cleaning, organization, and maintenance activities today. The habitat is now in GREAT shape, and we are fully prepared for the commencement of our expedition and research activities. I am happy to report that the dynamics within the crew are very positive and we have bonded, having quickly formed a very cohesive, integrated team.

Today's planned activities included an ATV familiarization session which was aborted due to an unexpected windstorm that, literally, blew into the area with gusts reaching as high as 55 mph. We also conducted a familiarization session for crewmembers who will be participating in tomorrow's EVA, and a review of EVA safety, communications, and navigation procedures.

We have been conducting nightly crew meetings to allow each crewmember to provide the team with a status pertaining to their particular area (i.e., engineering, greenhab, EVA, etc.), and to also plan the next day's activities.

Tonight's activities will include a field geology primer for non-geologists by Crew Geologist Johanna Hoyt. Over the course of the mission, each crewmember will give a brief presentation to the other members of the crew pertaining to their area of expertise.

Crew 138 has made appropriate preparations for sustained wind gusts up to 65 mph tonight, and a decrease in temperature of ~20'F.

Ad Astra,

Crew 138