

Engineering Report


Date: 02 November 2015

Crew Engineer Name: Stergios Palpanis

Diesel – 30%

Propane – 40% (gauge at the top of the tank)

Gasoline (5 Gal for ATV) – 60%

Water (trailer) – 65cm from the bottom

Water (static) – 17cm from the top

Trailer to Static Pump used - Yes

Water (loft) – 45 gallons

Static to Loft Pump used - Yes

Water Meter 100.300,70 Gallons on arrival (28/10/2015)

Atv # Oil Checked: Will be checked tomorrow

Atv # Fuel Used Gals: 2 gallons

Atv # Tires Status: Good condition (arrival)

Atv # Hours Used Day: 2 Atv for 1.5 hours

Atv # Notes And Comments: No Comments

Summary of Engineering activities: A lot of maintenance work has been taking place since our arrival to the Habitat. Today we spent most of our time replacing the deck outside the engineering airlock. Because of the nature of today’s activities we are not in simulation and we do not use the AVA suits. We used 2 ATVs to record GPS coordinates of the main road to the Habitat and some other secondary roads.

Questions and Concerns to Mission Support: Some of the parts of the Green Hab aquaponic equipment is still missing. The Embry-Riddle professor, who installed the equipment, said that he will send the missing parts. Until we receive them we cannot run a final check of the aquaponic equipment. In addition, there is limited water so we cannot run a leak test.