

Journalist Report 08 Apr 2016

Sol 06

Crew Astronomer Clayton once again tried the observatory and despite the cloudy conditions, crew members were able to observe the planet Jupiter. Crew Photographer Stanford was able to take some extended exposures of Jupiter and one of its moons (without the telescope).

This once again made for a late night and the crew was slow to rise this morning, but everyone was up by 0700 local time. Clayton provided music for coffee and a breakfast of pancakes.

Shortly thereafter, crew members Andreas, Beechneer, and Overman embarked on EVA #9 and found no water for bacteriological sampling purposes. However, they also found Sclerocactus radii as was found on EVA #6.

Upon EVA # 9’s return, a lunch of salmon cakes, scalloped potatoes, and green beans was served.

After lunch, crew members Sansom, Clayton, and Stanford conducted EVA #10 to collect the last of their research samples.

Crew Engineer Beechner spent the afternoon working with the 3D printer.

The crew spent the rest of the afternoon preparing the Hab for handover to MDRS 167B. The crew looks forward to their arrival tomorrow.

Clark Overman, Crew Journalist, MDRS 167A