
EVA #1 Summary Report

EVA Date: 11th Jan 2016

Purpose of EVA: For preliminary observation of environment and soil collection for growing plants

Location of EVA: 12S-518518E-4251308N

Number of EVA Crew: 3

Crew Members on EVA: Divya Shankar, Mikhail Khmelik, Natalia Glazkova


- ATV 1 Used: Yes

- ATV 2 Used: no

- ATV 3 Used: Yes

- ATV 4 Used: Yes

ATV time usage: 0.28 Hours

Duration of EVA: 1.30 Hours

EVA departure time: 11.10am

EVA return time: 12.21am

Time Checks:

- 11.10am Departure from Hab

- 11.23am Stop ATV and started walking

- 11.51amReached target

- 12.12am Left the target

- 12.17am Head back from the target and started using ATV

- 12.21am Reached Hab

Summary: We located the target and collected soil samples. Had problem in having continuous radio communication with habcom. Reached the target with a very little (50m) offset with the proposed location. Had problems in following trails on ATVs. Looking forward to mark the trails in the next EVA. Took photographs and a Gopro video during the activity.


Divya Shankar

CommanderMDRS Crew 161